The considerable social, economic, and environmental costs of suburban sprawl have been widely reported, but suburbs hold new potential for the 21st century. As ground zero for some of the most disruptive changes stemming from accelerating wealth inequities, a rapidly aging population, and growing racial and ethnic diversity, suburbs today face an era of unparalleled opportunity. Without damaging a blade of grass on a single lawn, suburbs across North America can transform tired strip malls and office parks into a new generation of compact, walkable places that support the dreams of an increasingly diverse population.

Suburban Remix shows an optimistic future for suburbia and explains how to get there, with case studies from a variety of suburban settings. Edited by Jason Beske and David Dixon, both highly seasoned thought leaders in urban planning and design, this contributed volume brings together experts in planning, urban design, real estate development, and urban policy. Their insights demonstrate how suburbs can renew their appeal as places to live, work, play, and invest by adopting methods used successfully in cities.

Check out Chapter 2 from the book below.