
Metapopulations and Wildlife Conservation

Edited by Dale Richard McCullough

Development of rural landscapes is converting once-vast expanses of open space into pockets of habitat where wildlife populations exist in isolation from other members of their species. The central concept of metapopulation dynamics -- that a...

439 pages
6 x 9

Betrayal of Science and Reason
How Anti-Environmental Rhetoric Threatens Our Future

Despite widespread public support for environmental protection, a backlash against environmental policies is developing. Fueled by outright distortions of fact and disregard for the methodology of science, this backlash appears as an outpouring...

348 pages
6 x 9

Perhaps more than any other scientist of our century, Edward O. Wilson has scrutinized animals in their natural settings, tweezing out the dynamics of their social organization, their relationship with their environments, and their behavior, not...

224 pages
5 x 7

Conservation Design for Subdivisions
A Practical Guide To Creating Open Space Networks

In most communities, land use regulations are based on a limited model that allows for only one end result: the production of more and more suburbia, composed of endless subdivisions and shopping centers, that ultimately covers every bit of...

203 pages
11 x 8.5

Mitigation Banking
Theory And Practice

Edited by David Salvesen, Lindell L. Marsh, and Douglas R. Porter; Foreword by John De Grove

Under the Clean Water Act, development that results in the permanent destruction of wetlands must, in most cases, be mitigated by the creation of a new wetland or the restoration of a degraded one. In recent years, the concept of "mitigation...

315 pages
6 x 9

America by Rivers

Photographer and writer Tim Palmer has spent more than 25 years researching and experiencing life on the waterways of the American continent. He has travelled by canoe or raft on more than 300 different rivers, down wide placid streams and rough...

349 pages
6 x 9

The Forgotten Pollinators

Consider this: Without interaction between animals and flowering plants, the seeds and fruits that make up nearly eighty percent of the human diet would not exist.

In The Forgotten Pollinators, Stephen L. Buchmann, one of the world's...

312 pages
6 x 9
34 illustrations

A Region at Risk
The Third Regional Plan For The New York-New Jersey-Connecticut Metropolitan Area

Regional Plan Association, the nation's oldest regional planning organization, has worked since 1929 to improve the quality of life in the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut metropolitan area. The Association has crafted two long-term plans and...

281 pages
8.5 x 11

Forest Patches in Tropical Landscapes

Edited by John Schelhas and Russell S. Greenberg

While tropical forests are being cleared at an alarming rate, the clearing is rarely complete and is often not permanent. A considerable amount of tropical forest exists as remnants that have significant value both for the conservation of...

498 pages
6 x 9
