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Integration and Innovation

By now it's clear that building green is much more than adding a green roof, using solar panels, or identifying which materials will replace the standard ones. Creating a successful green project starts much earlier with the right mindset. Building green requires optimism and a willingness to innovate and create synergy.
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The Mission is Green

This version is my creation but it sounds a lot like the mission statement of most affordable housing developers in the United States.  The absence of environmental issues in such statements demonstrates that green, at least until recently, was not part of the lingua franca of the housing community.
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Benefits of Green Affordable Housing

Esoteric, expensive, unrealistic, inspired, essential.  A decade ago, these were common reactions to combining green building and affordable housing.  Today the reaction is quite different - expressed by the now frequently repeated aphorism: we can't afford to not build green. Green affordable housing has moved from a curiosity to a trend and is now rapidly becoming standard practice.
