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Island Press Staff Picks - Public Produce

Handwritten signs urge passersby to pick what’s ripe in Kamloops, British Columbia. (Photo courtesy of Elaine Sedgman).
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Revisiting Leopold in the National Parks

The US National Park Service protects National Seashores, National Battlefields, National Monuments, National Historic Sites, National Memorials, and even National Parks. In total, the agency manages 397 “units” across the country and its territories.
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High Line Opens New Stretch of Spiky Flowers, Amblers, Voyeurs: Interview

The High Line, a hairline of greenery running 22 blocks atop a nearly forgotten railroad viaduct, has improbably become a global phenomenon. Threading its way between factories tangled with water tanks and fire escapes, the dilapidated viaduct was turned into a park in 2009 and now attracts human traffic jams. A neighbor has put on coy fire-escape performances. I hear that guests in a hotel that looms above the park sometimes undress for the pleasure of the strolling throngs.
