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PRIDE: Coexisting with Lions

We're pleased to be able to share Roshan Patel's award-winning documentary about coexisting with endangered Asiatic lions in India. The lion once roamed from northern Morocco to central India, but by the early twentieth century, fewer than 50 survived, tucked in the province of Gujarat. Since then, Patel shows, locals have come together to protect the lion, embracing its impact on the surrounding ecosystem and developing a respect that allows humans and top predators to coexist peacefully.
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Why the Earth is Green: Trophic Cascades on Land and Water

We have been discussing the powerful and essential ecological link between apex predators, their prey, and the foods prey eat. Based on the revolutionary ideas of Hairston, Smith, and Slobodkin, who in 1960 ingeniously proposed that the world is green because predators limit their plant-eating prey, trophic cascades science has since then explored the consequences of predator removal from ecosystems worldwide.