Webinar: Designing the Megaregion and Healing the Divided City

A Maryland Department of Planning and the Smart Growth Network event

Tuesday, April 7, 2020 - 1:00pm EDT

Much of the economic and population growth in the U.S. is happening within 12 urban megaregions. Investment in these megaregions can add stress to the environment, increase gridlock and air traffic delays, and make inequality worse, or it can help stabilize the environment, balance transportation systems, and create walkable neighborhoods with diverse housing choices.

The Maryland Department of Planning and the Smart Growth Network held this webinar on April 7 with two urban planning experts as they explored these choices: Jonathan Barnett, author of Designing the Megaregion: Meeting Urban Challenges at a New Scale and Alan Mallach, author of The Divided City: Poverty and Prosperity in Urban America.