Jonathan F. P. Rose

Jonathan Rose is president of the Affordable Housing Development Corporation (AHDC), a real estate planning, development, and consulting firm that collaborates with cities, towns, and not-for-profits to develop environmentally responsible projects. Before he formed AHDC, Jonathan was a partner and senior vice president of Rose and Associates, a large development firm in New York City.

Blueprint for Greening Affordable Housing, Revised Edition by Walker Wells and Kimberly Vermeer | An Island Press book

Blueprint for Greening Affordable Housing, Revised Edition

The lack of affordable housing and the climate crisis are two of the most pressing challenges facing cities today. Green affordable housing addresses both by providing housing stability, safety, and financial predictability while constructing and operating the buildings to reduce environmental and climate impacts.

Blueprint for Greening Affordable Housing is the most comprehensive resource on how green building principles can be incorporated into affordable housing design, construction, and operation.